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Hockey Canada Scandal Players Involved 2003 Video

Alleged Group Sexual Assault by Hockey Canada's 2003 World Junior Team Under Investigation

Halifax Police Acquire Names of Suspects

Halifax police have obtained the identities of at least two individuals allegedly involved in a gang sexual assault case involving Hockey Canada's 2003 World Junior team, according to CBC News. The investigation is ongoing after TSN reported having spoken to three people who claimed to have witnessed a video purportedly depicting the incident.

Video Surface Raises Concerns

The video, which reportedly shows approximately 10 minutes of the alleged assault, has prompted Halifax police to launch an investigation. The incident is said to have occurred during a Hockey Canada event in Halifax in 2003. Police have not yet confirmed the authenticity of the video.

Multiple Teams Under Investigation

In addition to the 2003 team, police are also investigating allegations involving other Canada's men's world junior hockey teams. The incidents are believed to have taken place between 2000 and 2020.
